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Friday, October 21, 2011

Skin Beauty Tips

Skin Beauty Tips
Puberty causes the secretion of certain gonadotrophic hormones by the anterior pituitary gland. The target organs of these gonadotrophic hormones are gonads (the ovaries in woman or testes in man). In addition, the adrenal cortex is stimulated at puberty. Both of these glands, the adrenal cortex and the gonads, are encouraged to excrete large quantities of steroid hormones into the circulatory system. In the male, the influence of adrenal hormones on bodily changes is overshadowed by the action of testicular hormones. In female, the female estrogen produces by the ovaries works in conjunction with the male androgens from the adrenal cortex to create secondary sex characteristics. This sudden surge of male hormones (called androgens) in both sexes results in bodily hair growth as well as increase in oil flow from the sebaceous glands. This increase in oil flow does not automatically lead to acne, but it sets the stage and no acne is possible without it. Only a small amount is needed to stimulate the oil glands, and it is impossible to distinguish the adrenal levels of acne patients form those of clear skinned types.


People with chronically oily skin and lingering acne have been found to harbor and especially active enzyme that converts testosterone, one of the androgens, into a more potent form called dihydro-testosterone. This is the factor directly responsible for releasing more oil. It is thought that if the effect dihydro-testosterone on the sebaceous glands could be counteracted then acne could be controlled. The challenge lies in accomplishing this without tampering with the body's normal hormonal makeup. Genes are also believed to play a stage setting role, since acne and its degree of severity often run in families. Heredity can help determine the amount of oil you body produces, the kind of bacteria nesting in your glands, the strength of your follicular walls, and other factor linked to either your resistance or your susceptibility.


Occasionally the onset of acne in adulthood can signal the presence of pituitary, adrenal, or ovarian tumors. The condition will usually be accompanied by other signs of excess androgen or erratic hormone activity: Irregular menstrual periods, the growth of facial hair, and deepening of the voice. Other factors, if not direct causes, may aggravate and already existing case of acne. In cases of anxiety and stress, the body signals the pituitary gland to release more of its hormones to meet the challenge. These, in turn, stimulate the adrenal cortex to pour more androgens into the bloodstream. Since people vary in their tolerance to extra androgens, not everyone under pressure will have an acne flare-up. But stress will put those who are susceptible at higher risk. Stress can also lead to nervous scratching and picking of the face, which can irritate pimples and drive them deeper into the skin. To complicate matters, it has been found that the output of fatty acids is also increased during stress.


Hormonal changes in women during pregnancy and menopause are also contributing factors in oil secretion and hair growth since hormones produced by the ovaries have inhibiting effect of the anterior pituitary. If secretion from the ovaries is affected in any way, there may be lack of control over the pituitary gland. This can result in a hyperstimulation by pituitary hormones of the adrenal cortex, which in turn can produce an excess androgens, which can lead to excessive oil production and hair growth.


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